Kashmir Great Lakes Trek: Discover Nature’s Spectacle


Discovering the Kashmir Great Lakes

Many travellers enjoy visiting national parks to have a close encounter with the unique creatures of nature, and the Kashmir Great Lakes trek offers this experience in a way like no other.

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to walk into a place that you wish was fantasy and dream of? That is what the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek offers the visitor, a beautiful view of nature that is tranquil and spectacular. At the mention of the name, perhaps, one is instantly transported to the thoughts of the clear blue lagoons, white icy peaks, and vast greens. For lovers of trekking and adventures, The Kashmir Great Lakes Trek feels like something straight out of a 3D movie. So, you are assured of making tranquil memories whenever you are around.

kashmir great lakes trek

The Magical Journey Begins:

It is our pleasure to start this joyful journey from Kashmir which is familiarly known as the paradise on earth. This can take between 7-9 days, although this particular trek is categorized as moderate, prepare yourself for the most rigorous of challenges on this trek. It is important to note that you are going to be trekking at an altitude of up to 14, 750ft and that the distance is approximately totals to 63 kilometres. To be honest it is a roller coaster starting with the physical to the psychological and emotional. At times you’ll think if the legs can take the beating, they get through the excitement that comes when you arrive at the next stop is admirable.

Day 1: Into the Wild is a document

It provides comprehensive information about many things that get into the wild and make attempts to live independent lives in the wild regions.

Right from the word go, the first thing that a layman notices is the profound calmness that envelops the place. The beauty here is primaeval and unruffled. This beauty may evoke the appearance of fairy tale kingdoms, and crossing such territories, one can feel a miraculous tingle inside. The first significant break is at Nichnai Pass, which is visible from where the climbing could be said to be immensely rewarding even if one were to do it on feet. The air is fresher here and the colour is more vivid which gives the mountains a more commanding and rather regal air.

Day 2: The Grandeur of lakes that are worth a lifetime visit.

As we continue, we encounter the first of many stunning lakes: The names of the villages are Vish Ansar and Kishansar. These two are twin-like two big ponds shedding light on the snow-lined highlands. This I described as the most extraordinary view that one can imagine it to be almost dreamlike. I can hardly go about my day without pulling out my camera and taking snapshot after snapshot, many of them breathtaking. Third is Gadsar Lake or lake of beads that is untouched and very calm lying at the base of a glacier surrounded by wild flowers.

Humour and Hardships

You look at those beautiful mountain ranges and you just can’t go trekking in them without some comic relief. There were plenty of laughs whenever we danced over difficult paths, often sliding off the rocks, or standing at the edge of the stream threatened by the probability of falling in. “Look at that river!” “Oh, you mean that rock?” He laughed as all of us tried to navigate through the uneven terrain. Asked what sustained the group as actual construction got underway, Ives detailed one of the massive heat compressors, staring off for a view of Puget Sound. This little statement became the motto of the expedition as everyone kept asking when they were to get there.

Day 3: Gadsar Pass: Highest Pass on the Trek

The actual trouble is with the high passes, particularly the Gadsar Pass but then again, the hardest area for most of the trekkers. At 13,800 feet the trek is the highest point of the entire trek we will make, however, all that is not very far away. The ascending features can be rather challenging, yet the eventual payoff makes it all worthwhile. From here, the valley and the two-coloured lakes can be viewed at the bottom of the mountain. It’s something that makes all that endeavour ugly and fades into the background. Each time one climbs up the pass a masterpiece of scenery that leaves one out of words momentarily comes into view.

Day 4: It is Meadows and More

Leaving the pass behind you, one can walk into seemingly never-ending meadows. These notably include pine and maple trees along the paths and the areas around Gadsar Pass, where tourists can find gorgeous flowers. The beauty of this place can inspire the plot of a painting that depicts the Ancient Rome period. This trekking is wonderful in that every day something different is presented to you. If it is the undulating movement of the Satsar fields or the territories of Gadsar Valley full of lush meadows something is interesting to look at.

Embracing the Culture

Another aspect that seems to be particularly helpful in this trek is the opportunity to interact with people. We crossed barren suburbs, riding through our bicycles, where people stay in tight-knit communities with their environments. The embraces that they gave and the welcome they accorded me were so warm. The more we chatted over tea, that is traditional tea, we got a chance to hear about how they lived their life, which was so different from ours but so fulfilling. These interactions are what the trek or a journey is more than a physical adventure.

Day 5: When the Party Crosses the Finish Line

When we were about to complete the trekking, yes, we saw some different colours again in the landscape. The breathtaking Tarsar Lake was one with lush green lush green high pastures and snow-capped mountains. The last stop we made was in the magnificent hill station of Sona Marg we thought we had completed a wonderful trekking trip. There was happiness that came with the accomplishment but the only sad thing was that we could not explore more of what the Great Rift Valley has to offer. It was difficult to bid farewell as we have been exposed to so much and experienced the same.

After a detailed analysis of the needs and requirements, the following can be mentioned as useful advice and recommendations for future trekkers.

If you’re planning this trek, here are some tips to help you prepare: If you’re planning this trek, here are some tips to help you prepare:

  1. Fitness and Acclimatization: Make sure you are fit physically and also some level of exposure to altitude should be done before reaching the region.
  2. Pack Essentials: Coats, warm clothes, boots and other items that are made from wool and materials that protect the body from water are some essentials. The situation these characters are placed in illustrates that weather patterns can be rather unpredictable.
  3. Stay Connected: It is wise to make loved ones aware of your plans. Internet connection for mobile phones isn’t amazing, so don’t expect to post on social media or stream videos constantly.
  4. Carry Cash: You can easily look for an ATM when you are still in towns and cities but once you start hiking it becomes quite challenging. This way you will ensure that you are answerably stocked with enough cash to see you through the entire journey.
  5. Respect the Environment: This is a message that should be emphasized in a campaign against littering: ‘Do not throw litter’. Maintain that portion of the ecosystem to enable future generations to enjoy the view of the area.


They are not just a set of mountains to conquer, but beautiful trails that are etched into your memory forever: The Kashmir Great Lakes Trek. They change every day when you wake up; the surprises that come your way, challenges that present themselves, things that one gets to remember at the end of the day. From the crystal-clear lakes and the towering snow-capped mountains to the lush green meadows and +the hospitable people of the country, each and every time is enchanting. Well then, do you feel like putting on your hiking shoes to take this fabulous tour then? Kashmir Great Lakes are still there, ready to unleash their incredible landscapes. So set off on the journey of a lifetime, where you will create memories that you will be proud of sharing with your children and grandchildren.