My All Time Favorite Trek- Kashmir Great Lakes: Heaven on Earth


Trekking is an adventure that I like to do when I want to take a break from my life. Sometimes, due to continuous stress, our health is affected whether it’s mental or physical. However, to have a remarkable future you must have a balance in life according to my experience. So, here I am today to brief you all about my experience of the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek

Many people ask me why Kashmir and I just show them pictures. After seeing them every other individual gets excited and asks me more about the trek. Even though many of my known have experienced the trek. I think that it’s the right of every person to take a break. 

I would like to describe my way of the trek. so, Kashmir is undoubtedly heaven on earth. The feelings that I was having while visiting cannot be described in words. As there are no such words that can define the beauty of the Kashmir Great Lakes. It’s a miracle in itself and I advise you that before doing the Kashmir trek do visit others. As after doing the KGL (Kashmir Great Lakes) Trek, you won’t be able to enjoy other treks. As no other treks can provide you the mesmerizing beauty as the KGL Trek can.

Cherry on the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek 

The Kashmir trek includes the high-altitude lakes that add more adventure and is the cherry on top. As you will be smitten with a view of the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek because it changes daily. Many people call it an act of God because sometimes it’s unbelievable for people to experience such kind of beauty. While doing the trek, I got to know about all 7 lakes. Which add more cinematic beauty to the KGL Trek.

Some of the key points which benefit trekkers-:

  •  The water of the lakes is so pure that you can drink it without any filter. It includes more minerals than the normal water we drink at home.
  • Not only pure water some lakes have fish. However, if you are interested villagers who have permission to fish can provide you with fish. Moreover, you have to exchange money and you can have it if you want.
  • You will get to experience lakes that shine like a crystal. The view of that is so pure. That you won’t be able to take your eyes off that lake.   

How each day look, in KGL Trek

Day 1

The trip started with a drive from Srinagar to Gangagir it was a 4-hour drive, to reach Gangagir base camp. After completing the first-day drive and taking some rest. While nourishing view of nature we were ready for the next day’s trek. Moreover, as we were new to the trek so we followed the guide. While trekking because we did not want to ruin our trekking experience. 

Day 2

Moving forward we started our second day fresh and with enthusiasm. As we wanted to explore more. we were already getting some glimpse of the beautiful trek. On the second day, we drive from Gangagir to Shidkati. Which is a trek to Nichnai is a long trek of 6 to 7 hours. We started the trek from Shidkati and packed all the essential items needed like water bottles and food to eat.

While covering the trek we discovered a meadow that was surrounded by maple and pine trees. After walking for about half an hour, we came across a beautiful stream. The greenery looks like someone has thrown the green carpet to welcome us. The more we move forward the more get mesmerized by the beauty of the trek. On the right side of the meadows, we can see small peaks covered with snow.

A few steps ahead we felt like it was time for some rest and lunch. By doing that we could behold the elegance, and grace of the trek. A half an hour’s trail leads us to the bhoj trees. In the path ahead the trail goes down and we discover a river valley which is the beginning of Nichnai. The valley widens ahead and we encounter a triangular twin snow-clad peak. Which is that is the ending point of the trek. 

Day 3

Our 3rd-day trek is a 7-hour trek from Nichnai to Viahnusar by covering Nichnain pass or Vishnusar Berry. However, on the 2nd day, we have to move to the left side of the river. Where the trail slowly starts ascending. As you climb up you will see the deep blue lake which provides you with a perfect view. Now the main point is that this is the last point where we get our phone networks. The Nichnai Pass is a wide tunnel with 13,229 ft. of altitude.

Next hour we see a different view which is of red blooming flowers. After walking ahead for an hour you will also encounter a waterfall. So, it’s a great view of a waterfall with small flowers. On the left, you will see Himalayan mountains covered with however on the right you will notice barren mountains. After half an hour you will reach the end of the valley. Where you can rest for the day in your camps. After getting some rest we went to discover and found out about the Twin Lakes. The surprising part about the lake is that it changes its color according to the clouds. we were surprised with the color changing ability of this lake.

Day 4

After experiencing and discovering all the surprises we woke up the next day which was our 4th day. We had to trek from Viahnusar to Gadasar. Moreover, this trek is of 7 to 8-hour long trek. Along with a mesmerizing view. after trekking for a few hours we get to know about Gadsar Pass. Which is the highest point of the trek with an altitude of 13,800ft.

Along with Gadasar, there are many small lakes too. There is a small lake called Yamsar Lake and we heard that this lake was named after lord Yama. We were there for trekking and discovered that the lakes hold many histories and locals find it spiritual. In my opinion, Gadsar Lake is the prettiest blue-iris lake. Gadsar lake also holds a special security checkpost of the army. So, we already informed that about our team and showed them our documents. You have to go through the same process over here. 

Day 5

Day 5th is the day where we trek from Gadsar to Satsar which is a 4 to 5-hour trek. On this day we discover beautiful streams. Then we climb up the trail of the mountains, this lake is a collection of 7 lakes. We found out that there are 4 to 5 lakes.

After a trek of half an hour, we were trekking on the flat ground surrounded by meadows and mountains. However, this place is known as Maengandob. Further ahead in the trek, we found the isolated mountains with a perfect landscape. Which made us feel the beauty of the KGL Trek. we camped near the first Satsar Lake now there is an LOC there so went through the same document checking that we went to the army camp of Satsar Lake. after some rest, we went out for fresh air and we saw the beautiful lake that made me feel lost in it. 

Day 6

Now on the 6th day, we have to do 6 hours of trekking to explore our Kashmir Great Lakes. Today we trek from Satsar to Gangbal through Zaj Pass. now we see that we have to climb up to the top and the altitude of the base of the climb is 11,800 feet. Hence we have to take the zig-zag pony trek to climb up to the top. It is a 45-minute long climb and after reaching the top we saw that there are two more ridges to climb.

However, I can say that I got more curious to explore the beauty because as much as top we go we find attractive beautiful views that had me speechless. From the 3rd rigid which is the top, we saw a breathtaking view of two lakes. After enjoying the charismatic view of Harmukh Peak and many other pleasant views we went down and while trekking we went through the streams and got refreshed over there. Gangbal Lake and Nandkol Lake are both famous for fishing as Gangbal Lake is huge and this trek can be difficult because we have to climb up and the trails are very small therefore there can be chances of getting slipped so be careful, I was lucky but some of my teammates were not so, be careful. 

Day 7

Now after completing the 6th-day trek, we are going to start the 7th-day trek which can be hectic for you physically because there are chances that you can hurt your legs and knees. However, this day includes many mesmerizing beauties of the Great Lakes Trek. walking for about 30 minutes ahead you can get your phone networks and you can call anyone.

This is the end of the ridge and after the end, we come again in the flat green field with beautiful meadows. Today we found another surprise which was that there were little yellow flowers that looked so charming that I watched my steps while walking because I did not want to overstep. After the long walk, we saw the fringes of trees and our guide said to go according to the fringes and its better to listen to them because we were new to the place and therefore we needed a guide.

A little tip from my side i.e. don’t walk directly into the forest because you can face different challenges. We saw a log hut over there while trekking however till now we haven’t seen something like that in the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek till now. As it is the last day of the trek we have tested our endurance. After returning we missed the views and thought what if we can stay more. These thoughts still cross my mind when I think about the trek and yes when you return from Narang the checkpost closes at 4 pm. So if you do not remember his time you can be in trouble and have to ask for help from the army. 

Ways, to make your trip successful

First of all, I want to help my readers so, that they can have a beautiful and cheerful experience as I had during the KGL Trek. So here, I would like to suggest ways to have a nice trip. Always choose your companions carefully, as it is a lifetime experience. So, select the best. In my experience,

Best companion

 I like my companion, Himalaya Shelter, because of the guides and their helpful nature. At first, I got confused and was going to make a mistake which I will suggest you not repeat. The mistake, was that there was a price difference between many companies but after some digging, I found out that not all mention their whole pricing on the website online, and then I found out that Himalaya Shelter does not have such fluctuation and there is full transparency between us and the company. So be careful and choose wisely with some digging. 

Not only this, they provided me with all the essential things before starting the trek they gave me some information that I would love to share with you all. 

  • You can pack your clothes inside a polybag so, that if there is any chance of rain, your clothes are not wet. 
  • Be careful with the charging because, due to cold temperatures, your batteries will drain easily, so keep your power banks charged and safely in between your clothes. 
  • However, you should know that there are many places where you cannot find a network, so be informed.
  • There is an army checkpost so please take a copy of your documents because they can check them.
  • Be aware of the dogs because they do not see many visitors, so there are chances that they will be not friendly with you. So, do not feed them In my experience, while I was doing the trek, when I talked to the local people over there, they said that because they are not used to all the feeding, they shred more often and some of them get sick too so, please avoid feeding dogs. 
  • While trekking, if you get tired, there is a tea point, and I experienced the famous kahwah of Kashmir there. Moreover, you can get Maggie and other essential items too.  

Difficulties that you can face during the “Kashmir Great Lakes Trek

We know that the trek is long so you can face many hurdles and challenges to get the best view in the world, as there is a saying that the fruit of hard work is sweet. One more thing: the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek is of 7 days long, but you should take one more day as a buffer day.  Some of the difficulties that I faced and probably there are chances that you could also face, are mentioned below:-

  1. Due to the high altitude, there are chances that you will feel dizzy and have headaches. Therefore, to avoid that, you can carry medicine or whatever you would like, which will make you feel better. 
  2. While trekking, maintain body flow and body posture so that you can smoothly cover the journey.
  3. You should carry a small backpack, and in case you want to travel with a big and heavy backpack, you can talk to the Himalaya Shelter or your agency, and they will provide you with an offload so that you can freely do the trekking
  4. In the rainy season, you have to be careful because the trails are very small, so there is no extra help for you in terms of carrying your bag, Therefore, be careful, at that time, and as the ground is wet, it will get slippery, so be careful and be confident while putting your foot because there can be chances to slip from the trail, and down of the trail there is a lake, so, help yourself to not fall.

Magical Kashmir 

After coming back from the Kashmir trek, I still get glimpsess of the trek, and I think it is perfectly valid to call the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek a trekking paradise. The surprises that you are going to get on the trek are so overwhelming that you will forget about the other things going through your mind. Some people are afraid to do the trek; however, that should not be the case, in my perspective, this trek is not difficult it’s just about the mindset. The best part is that there is no such place or view by which you can be tired because each day has fresh scenery. Moreover, the lakes, mountains, and meadows enhance the grace of the trek. Due to national security reason trekkers are not allowed to take drones and shoot with them. Undoubtedly it is a blend of adventure and serenity. 

Nevertheless, Kashmir includes many other beautiful places too and you can explore the places yourself.  By far, my experience of the Great Lakes Trek is most adventurous and charismatic. In other words, it’s worth your time and peace.

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