6 Best Day-Hike Treks in Kashmir you shouldn’t miss!


Day treks…. An ideal choice? or a puzzling conundrum?

More often people tend to either underestimate the essence of day trekking or over exaggerate it. This article would help you choose between all the spectacular treks one could go on in Kashmir. These handpicked top 6 best day treks in Kashmir would definitely bend the mind of the beholder. This article will address frequent problems one would encounter on their preparation for treks.

One could not declare a particular trek to be perfect among all the available treks in Kashmir as they are all unique and equally mesmerizing.

Here are the Top – 6 treks in Kashmir that you could wrap it up in a day:

1) Mamneth Trail

Situated just 20 kms away from the spectacular city of Srinagar mamneth top trek would definitely on my bucket list as this is unique trek which would be a sumptuous feast to the eyes of trekkers. The summit rests at an elegant altitude of 7725 feet bestowing trekkers with areal view of dal lake and Hazratbal shrine. 

Mamneth Trail day hike in kashmir

Highlights of Mamneth top Trek

Jaw-dropping Golden hour vista: mamneth top trek helps trekkers embrace one of the natures grandeurs “The sunset”. As the sun slides under the blanket clouds of horizon one could witness the sea of tranquillity where the twilight sun’s rays shimmer over the valley arousing the natural spirit essence laying dormant in a trekkers soul.

Magnificent daytime horizon: As we ascend, the trail gradually opens up the captivating panorama of Srinagar the capital city of Kashmir on a day with clear sky one could witness Srinagar to its farthest reaches of horizon as the canopy of clouds slowly crawl across the sky.

2) Daichgam jungle walk

Start this tour to behold the majesty of the Daichgam 

National Park, which is only 15 kilometres away from the city centre of Srinagar. This sanctuary of nature has inspired you to explore the presence of nature through a specific guided trail of up to 28 km. Every stage reveals a new episode in this wilderness of biological richness – the only National Park in the Kashmir division 

Daichgam national park kashmir

Highlights of Daichgam trail

For wildlife lovers, Daichgam is a paradise which is equally blessed for professional camera men and bird lovers who wish to explore the flight of some unknown species. It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced tourer or just a beginner there are many fantastic places that you will be able to visit and look into this fantastic world of nature. Get ready to know this enchanting wonderland of Daichgam National Park as each corner of this park represents a unique story of wild life and pristine beauty to explore and cherish.

3) Dara padshapal trek

Discover the soothing trail of Dara PadshaPal starting from the humble village of Dara, Harwan, which is merely 7kms away from the well-known Shalimar Garden. This day trail covers a distance of 9 – 16 km along the trail, following the trail of a beautiful, clear mountain stream fed by glaciers which flows through a series of micro valleys and lush meadows. When walking this beautiful path, lose yourself in the beautiful sights that await at every turn. Every step symbolizes the combination of serenity and thrill, which guarantees a memorable nature trek in the midst of the heavenly Kashmir.

Dara PadshaPal day hike in kashmir

Highlights of Dara PadshaPal

Trail Diversity: Pedal along a terrain that ranges from 5. 5-10 miles over stunning, rough, and stony pathway accompanied by a water stream derived from snow. It was possibly present with deep valleys and meadows.

Enchanting Landscapes: When getting on to the trail, there is a sense of elation with the gradual improvement of the scenes that constructs the picture-like view of the Kashmir. Serenity and

Adventure: Savour the unembellished employment of aesthetics and adrenalin in this engaging and least invasive approach to this trail to hikers. It was such a great venture as I wandered through this natural land to learn and explore this great venture.

4) Baisaran Day Hike

Discover Baisaran: The first one is a Meadow Marvel otherwise known as the Mini Switzerland. It revealed a easy-moderate distance of 14 km of trail which is located at the base area of Mount Katsal in Pir Panchal namely the great Himalayas. The meadow is essentially filled with assortments of foliage of pine, fir and birch trees with mountain ranges in the background complete with snow credited to the climate. Get ready for perhaps the most beautiful ride ever into the arms of mother nature. This is an endearing trail to meadows around Pahalgam that leads one to splendid green pull that is not only green, but very bio diverse too, with myriads of species of animals, birds, and plants to see and study.

Baisaran Day Hike in kashmir

Highlights of Baisaran Day Hike

Verdant Meadow Marvel

While crossing the trail, the trekkers get to see the beautiful sight of Baisaran that has greenery all around it. Calm and beautiful, this meadow is referred to as Mini Switzerland. Beautiful view when one can see pines, fir trees, birch trees in together with mountains which are all capped by snow you do not forget such view.

5) Kanimarg Hike 

 Unveil the Beauty of Kanimarg: An alpine meadow as dim as a mohair carpet with virgin Valley and peaks lie hidden for a 5. 40 minute hike from Pahalgam, covering a distance of 5 km, making the round trip 11 km. This is a moderate grade adventure is also a camping site used in the Tulian Lake trek, a multi-day alpine trek. Turn the page and be taken for a walk into the untamed landscape, for the mysteries of nature will to revealed the moment when one sets foot into it.

Kanimarg is a grassy plain contains tall pine trees. In this regards, it is worth mentioning that this place is occupied by the natives known as Gujjars, and they are often hired for horse riding services in the given town. This is the first point in the route and also this place is perfect for camping, and Spending time around the bonfire with friends is best suitable and recommended in the environment of this spot. The meadow transforms to the actual forest as one muddies through the thicket the trees become denser with less light penetrating through the canopy. An ideal habitat for the trekkers on the advance, Kanimarg looks as impressive as any other nature’s abode in the Valley of Kashmir. 

Kanimarg day Hike in kashmir

Highlights of Kanimarg Hike 

Tranquil Meadow and Pine Wonderland 

 Kanimarg that has vast meadow surrounded by tall pine trees provides a base camp to the trekkakers. This is another spot that is occupied by the people of the Gujjar community and is renowned for horse riding facilities. The park is also the most suitable place to start with the camping activities as sets up the most appropriate atmosphere to spend the better hunting hours beside a fire-mound with friends.

Dense Forest Exploration 

As in the case with most hikes, the vegetation becomes thicker, and the forest is seen to offer a good experience during the trek. Kanimarg also provides shelter to trekkers besides being a mini park encased in natural beauty that is comparable to any other park of Kashmir. 

Scenic Side-Trips and Waterfalls of the South 

 The further, one treks from Baisaran to Kanimarg, the better the scenes are for the trekkers. The steep tour to Kanimarg and the Kashmir valley could pose as an arduous one but it is filled with greeneries and lovely waterfalls hence could be described as a delightful ride. 

6) Table Top Day Hike

 Achieve a pulsating trek of one and a half days from Sonamarg to Table Top covering 12kms in all. Starting at the aesthetically stunning Sonamarg Bridge or at the beautiful Sitkadi village, the trek initiates with an easy climb through a few rolling hills. Before long, you will be walking through the forest that begins the spellbinding tree line, followed by the mesmerizing Table Top – a large flat that provides vista space. 

table top view kashmir great lakes trek

Highlights of Sonmarg to Table Top Day Hike

 Looking at the two pictures one gets the impression of being on the Scenic Ascent and at the same time on the Enchanting Meadows.

Like everywhere in Ladakh, the track from Sonamarg to Table Top has a slow climb up the first part of the trek and goes through rather bucolic meadows before entering a wonderful pine woods. It ends at the huge Table Top meadow that provides one with an awe-inspiring view of the whole scenery. 

Starting point of the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek 

 This one is the first stage of the Kashmir Great Lake trekking route that attracts many tourists. It is strongly recommended to prepare identity or permission to travel at the Indian Army checkpoint at the beginning of the trail; however, the hike itself will be quite safe and guided. 

 Panoramic Mountain Vistas 

 On the trek, spectacular scenery of Thajwas Mountain and the Zankar range forms an added delight to the trekkers. Unless one gets help from a professional preferred operator or guide, it is usually best to get a feel of what the trail has to offer and what one should expected to encounter. 

 Campsites Amidst Nature 

 This area is a starting point for one of the most stunning treks in the Himalayas, campsites are numerous when summer is at its best. These are perfect places to stay so that the people could get the entire feel of the natural beauty of this area. 

Prerequisites to Make Day Trips in Kashmir Extraordinary

There is a lot one needs to check before going for a day trek in kashmir it calls for one to make proper preparations. The following tips will help you get the best out of the trail and aid in future treks, whether short or long, The following tips will help you get the best out of the trail and aid in future treks, whether short or long:

Weather and Season Information

Ensure that there is proper information on the weather in Kashmir before proceeding up the mountains. If the information is insufficient, it is possible to turn to a local operator or guide who would give more comprehensive information. As pointed out, many of the treks referred to are related to seasons and are effectively used for day treks at the right time.

Things to Carry

Ensure you have a 10 to 25-liter backpack that includes:

– Rain gear

– Jacket or warm sweater

– First aid kit

– Hydration pack

– Sun protection

– Mapping information

– Food supplies: Beverages/energy bars/dry fruits and, Carry dry lunch packs.

– Photography gear

– Identity card and passport for the foreigners if they hold any.

– Good hiking boots

Guidance: Safety First

The trails in Kashmir are found to be safe in most occasions of the year and therefore it is recommended that to avoid complications and to get the best that there should be a consideration to get a professional guide or the trek operator. Their professionalism to some extent guarantees safety but at the same time brings beauty to the otherwise monotonous traveling through the gorgeous terrains of the region.